Saturday 2 July 2011

How to Find George Street! The One in Hornsby!

So you need to find George St and get it mixed up with the Old Pacific Highway?

Here's some travel tips that will provide details GPS Street directories and Map Apps don't. There's a map further down too!

As a local resident who often gets asked for directions by lost visitors
I find the problem seems to be people taking a wrong turn coming out of Hornsby station or driving up the Old Pacific Highway.

If you are coming up the Pacific Highway by car  when you see the sign for Edgeworth David Avenue only turn right if you're trying to get into the parking for the shopping centre.

You want to go up George St. Go straight ahead due north.
Do not turn left over the rail bridge!

Be aware if you're trying to get to one of the small shops or businesses there is no left hand side parking.
You may have to turn into a side street to park or go around a block so you're in the southwards lane.

Did you turn left and continue on the Old Pacific highway? Don't panic!
You should be able to turn right at Bridge St and back onto George St.
Just continue past the Courthouse the Park and TAFE.

Are you on foot and coming from the station?

Where are you going? TAFE? The shops? The Westfield mall? Centrelink?

For the Westfield mall turn EAST and go over the foot bridge.

For the Westside shops TAFE and the Courthouse or Council Chambers turn WEST.

Do not go up the street where the taxi rank and buses are.

You will end up at the back of TAFE and in Jersey Street.

Use the pedestrian crossing. you are now next to a real estate agent on the corner.

Turn right. Keep walking. When you see a cafe called Armeros that's Coronation Street.

You should now be able to see the Park and TAFE.

Stay on the Post Office side if you are heading for the Court House or Council Chambers.

Heading for TAFE admin to enrol? Cross over to the left side.


and photos so you have visual landmarks to help!
This is the first blog in a series.
Please posts on this topic will not all follow each other.
Posts on other topics will be mixed in!

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